Hello sim racers,
Today, Studio 397 are pleased to deploy the latest rFactor 2 Release Candidate build to Steam, ahead of the November 2022 Q4 update and content drop in a few short weeks time.
Anyone unfamiliar with how the build update process works within rFactor 2, the Release Candidate is essentially an opportunity for players to gain early access to the latest changes ahead of the full public deployment during the upcoming quarterly release window. The goal of these Release Candidate builds is to further test and validate the changes we have developed to the core simulation code across a wider user base of the simulation – while also giving you a sneaky peak of what’s coming up before anyone else gets to try it out!
In this new Release Candidate, we have spent some time fixing and enhancing a few core fundamentals of the rFactor 2 code base, as well as working hard at enhancing the AI single player aspect of the software – an area that we have noted has been high on the priority list for a number of our community in recent times.
Additionally, this new build comes complete with a first look at the newly developed in game store functionality – an aspect of the title that we will look to deploy into the main public branch of the simulation ahead of the Q4 November 2022 update and content drop.
The full change notes can be found below. Please note, in order to access these latest updates, you will need to be on the ‘Release Candidate’ branch of rFactor 2 within Steam.
October 2022 Release Candidate Notes
Client: 9737077
Dedi: 9737090
- Enabled Alt+F4 and X closing the game
- Fixed various cross compiler issues
- Fixed a rare crash when changing cameras
- Refactored hdv file reading
- Added Key Assignment to toggle Freelook Mouse Control
- Fixed upgrades being broken on develop
- Package installs should now be faster
- Updated DRS regulations to be restricted in all zones by default and not allowed if there are no DRS zones.
- Added RFM parameter “
” to allow DRS when no zones are available. - Fixed online temp car not lighting correctly at night.
- Improved visibility of pitbox marker at night.
Track Limits
- Added Relaxed Track Limits Mode
- Added Penalties Only display mode
- Added Test Day support for GDB Settings (via Practice settings)
- Increased penalties for passing illegally and increased time to return place.
- Made it possible to change modes in Dev Mode
- General improvements to pit lane, removing unnecessary reports inside the pitlane, and fixing pit exit line cut detection if content is setup correctly.
- Reworked Track Limits dialogue to use HUD Font and add indicator strip
- Updated track limits display, showing all warnings and penalties via messages.
- General tidy up and bug fixing on message displaying.
- Fixed AI editor adding connections from pit lane to main path where the game should not (in some cases due to waypoint locations)
- Fixed an issue where going off track again before penalization would not continue the investigation.
- Added ability to configure Track Limits display in HUDs, but fix to set display if not configured.
- Added “HUD” option to Display position options for Track Limits Info, when set at this it will be placed where the HUD configures. You can manually adjust the position otherwise.
- Added sample parameters to default HUD
- Removed loose fonts from ModDev and fixed font loading from mas files
- Added HUD editor support for Track Limits element
- Added Headlight Pulse. Defaults to J key. On activation headlights will pulse 4 times for a second. Previous headlight state is retained and this will not cause issues with headlight requirements.
- Set Auto Headlights to turn on at night even if not required.
- Fixed an issue with Headlight assignment not being kept after a driver swap.
- Fixed Max Headlights PLR value not being respected
- Updated Headlights to be culled based on the position of selected vehicle. Note in Freelook mode to make sure you have selected the vehicle you are focusing on if you are having issues with the headlights not being rendered.
HUD / Graphics
- Improved in Game Exposure in VR
- Fixed omni lights being falsely applied to objects with Omni not enabled
- Added ability to set an emissive map on the Terrain shader. Intended for baking distant lighting into terrain.
- Settings across the UI can now be adjusted more quickly:
- Right mouse button: 10x multiplier
- Middle mouse button: 50x multiplier
- Holding down left mouse button:
- 5x multiplier after 2 seconds
- 10x multiplier after 4 seconds
- Greyed out setup settings (including the name and value) that cannot be adjusted
- Fixed camber setup setting description
- Ambient and track temperatures in the event screen are now shown in Celsius of Fahrenheit based on the selected units
- MultiView monitor side angle setting has been limited to 90 degrees in graphics settings
- Updated refreshing of setup list
- Fixed subscribing to “All” content collection in the First Launch Wizard
- Fixed setup settings becoming greyed out when one of the step values is “N/A”
- Fixed multiplayer admin session controls
- Fixed setting next race length (note: new race length will be displayed after switching to another session, e.g. practice → qualifying)
- Fixed restart race button being disabled during a race session
- Fixed showing percentage for the singleplayer “Race time” setting when “Race criteria” was set to “% Track Time” or “% Track Default”
- Fixed “Torque split” setup setting description typo (read wheels → rear wheels)
- Merged store into RC
- In multiplayer session controls, fixed selecting spectators when there are more than one
- Fixed selecting driver/spectator in multiplayer session controls when there’s a driver and spectator with the same name on the server
- Fixed erratic throttle and brake inputs
- Fixed waypoint lookahead to fix jerky steering motion
- Fixed an issue with driveline noise that could cause AI to brake partially off track and spin, or cut too much
- Refactored engine code
- Added the ability to animate any maps UVW via Scroll and Step options on IBL Standard and IBL Standard Blend shaders.
- Fixed buggy background on telemetry debug screens in ModDev.
- Added OnScreen ModDev Tweakbar for debugging Car Cockpit readouts and debugging of LED values.
Known issues
- Skip updates button on package installation is unresponsive
- ISI Formula 2 does not load correctly
Stay tuned to the rFactor 2 social media channels and Studio 397 website in the coming weeks, to find out more about the upcoming content additions to the simulation, and release date information around the new Q4 2022 update for rFactor 2.